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Sin is something that mars this world – it mars our lives, relationships, and the creation around us. We are so in need of the cross. The thing is, we don’t often realize the depths of our need for God and for the cross which brings us salvation. Humans tend to pretend that our sin isn’t such a big deal or we ignore our sin and pretend that we are good enough on our own. We compare and judge and convince ourselves that we aren’t that bad. In doing this we make God not so holy and glorious. By doing this, we “shrink the cross.”

As we get to know God more though and we spend time with him, we begin to realize more and more the depths of our need for him. We see how sinful and broken we are and God is more and more glorious and holy. The cross is big enough to cover all our sins and bring us close to our Father God. It is there we can rest in his mercy and live life with a deep peace.

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