We are a relatively young church located in the heart of downtown Dundas. We are part of the Presbyterian Church of America, click here for more information on the PCA.
Our Core Values

The Book: The Bible is more than a record of humanity’s quest for the Divine. It’s the Divine’s word to humanity. It’s a living authority that applies to every area of our lives. Through the Bible, God reveals “the Gospel”, which saves the lost and matures the saved.
The Gospel: Jesus lived the life we should have lived and died the death we should have died. This message is the dynamic truth that shapes every facet of our lives. Living in the reality of God’s undeserved favour on us produces a joyful, humble, and generous lifestyle.
The Prayers: Only God can change us or the communities in which we live. Through prayer, we express our daily reliance on him to lead, provide, protect and empower us to follow Jesus wherever he takes us.
The Community: The Gospel completely transforms our relationship to others. We care for each other and our neighborhoods through living lives of integrity, hospitality, mercy, and justice for the common good. We also seek to fulfill Christ’s command to “remember the poor.”
The Culture: Culture is the fruit of the human quest for meaning in the world. Followers of Jesus must think deeply about how the Gospel we believe finds concrete expression in our work, our play, our homes, our institutions and our society.
The Movement: The Kingdom of God is gradually but relentlessly growing. Therefore, we will network and partner with other churches and ministries that seek the “peace of the city” through the spread of the gospel and the planting of churches.
To see every resident of Dundas have a meaningful encounter with Jesus Christ.
We are committed to advancing the cause of the Kingdom of God by growing and maturing followers of Jesus so that our town and our culture experience the transforming power of God’s grace, resulting in individual human flourishing and cultural renewal.
To form a worshiping community that centres our life in Jesus Christ and brings Jesus Christ into all of life.
We believe that Jesus is the key to life, both individually, and corporately. Through faith in him, people are freed from the guilt of their sin, reconciled to God, and reconciled to others. This means that they no longer need to prove themselves deserving of God’s favour, nor use other people to convince themselves of their value. Rather, they are empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve God for his glory, and serve others for their good according to the Scriptures.
The gospel is meant to affect more than our private, individual lives. God created all that exists, and through Jesus he is reconciling all things to himself. Therefore, we believe that the gospel effects culture – the fruit of the human quest for meaning in the world. Followers of Jesus are called to think deeply about how Christ’s lordship over all things finds concrete expression in our work, our play, our institutions and our society. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to participate in his redemption of all of reality in our daily lives.